Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chapter 6 Capitalize on the Reading-Writing Connection

This is one chapter that I agree alot with the author. I do think that reading has a very big part in the writing process and makes for better writers. Writing in all curriculum areas is a great idea that I have touched upon a little bit but not enough. We were doing some writing in math but then got caught up in getting ready for assessments and the writing became less important at the time.
I like the statement about reading as much as possible and can put their hands on a variety of interesting and varied reading material. We try to give them lots of time to read and also read to them. In a normal school day it's not going to be possible to give them as much as the author thinks we should though. Time is as always a prime commodity during the school day to get everything done that has to be done.
I do like some of her teaching tips that she gives us throughout the book.

1 comment:

Mrs. Babcock said...

I think our school does an excellent job of providing time and incentive to read. Through Sunflower Reader, they are exposed to different genres and purposes for writing for different audiences.