Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chapter 3 Share Your Writing Life

This chapter troubles me a little. Every time we have had to write something in meetings to share, I have a very difficult time writing something down. I'm also having problems writing these blogs. In front of my students I have no problem with sharing books that I have read or stories that I have or even showing a different side of me. With my peers I have a problem. Writing in a group setting and sharing isn't something I could do comfortably. I suppose I could try but it wouldn't be myself. With all that I do, I have difficulty finding "time" to do all the things I want to do. One of the things I try very hard to do is read books that my students would read. I'm able to share and give students ideas as to what to read. We can also talk about the books. I try to read aloud to my class as often as I can but I need to be more rigid with it. I need to write more to be able to share more.

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