Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chapter 2 Start With Celebration

"I did it for the pure joy of the thing. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever." - Stephen King This statement by King goes along way with me because I find it very true in all things not just writing. If we truly enjoy what we do, we definitely can do it for a very long time. I hope that my students enjoy coming to school and learning and I would like to see them enjoy writing and want to do more. One of the things I need to do more often to see this happen is celebrating their work. I know that when someone recognizes that I have done something, it makes me want to work harder. Picking what they want to write about would definitely work for most students, but there are still a few students out there that have difficulty figuring out what they want to write about even after having been shown ideas by modeling. I hope to find out in this book if there is more about this situation. We should , as teachers, celebrate more with the students in all areas and not just writing.

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